Rocambolesc, ice cream heaven.

Sadlyour waitlist wish of dining at Cellar de can Roca didn’t come true. Our final day in Girona was warm and sunny andnoticeablywindless. Sobefore jumping on a very lovely high speed train to Barcelonawe made it our mission to experience something Roca – ice cream.

Situated on Carrer Santa Clarajust by the Saint Agusti Bridge (the criss cross metal one),  Rocambolesc could easily be missed, it‘s tiny. You can buy 19 different varieties in 500ml tubs with flavours like olive oil and toasted bread, Parmesan and asparagus and truffle, alongside old favourites like chocolate and vanilla. They also have some fun ice lollies.

At the takeaway counterchoices are limited to six flavours. These can be served in a cone, tub or panet, a brioch filled with ice cream and toppings and then toasted.

It’s actually quite good to have a limited choiceotherwise I’d have struggled to pick.

NN went for the coconut and violet sorbet which is topped with strawberry, violet marshmallows and puff candy.

Not a fan of overly floral food, I have to sayit was beautiful. It was richer than you’d expect of a sorbet, the coconut milky and sweet. The floral violet was soft and not too perfumed.

I opted for the cherry and lime sorbet with toppings, seriouslyhow could you not have toppings?

It was sensational, creamy and sour, the flavours bursting in my mouth. Topped with lime marshmallows, Amaranth cherries and lime rocks.

At €4.20 it’s a great way to try food from one of the world‘s greatest chefs. I’m just sorry we only made one visit.


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